Honey has a distinctive therapeutic power, as it combines between being a natural honey, and the fact that a bee feeds a natural food on the nectar of Nigella sativa flowers directly, meaning that the black seed is not mixed or ground with it.
Useful for the treatment of internal and chest problems in adults (colon, stomach ulcers, anemia, wasting and general weakness, cell atrophy, loss of appetite, stuffiness and chronic cough, chest allergy).
An excellent immune booster for children over 3 years old.
To strengthen the heart muscles.
It stimulates blood circulation.
A general tonic for the body’s immune system because it contains (carotene, chlorophyll and its derivatives, xanthophylls and tannins).
These previous substances also act as anti-oxidants.
Anti-toxins and anti-tumors.
Useful for lung infections, respiratory diseases, tuberculosis and colds.
One of the most important components of this honey is lignan, which is useful in cases of cough and lung infections.